Swietelsky AG #buildingeverbetter #buildingeverbetter

Reporting system

for reporting misconduct at Swietelsky

Swietelsky AG is clearly and unconditionally committed to complying with all applicable laws and rules in the existing Code of Conduct. This is why we are committed to identifying and clarifying possible misconduct within the company as quickly as possible and to taking the necessary remedial action.

Open communication in our corporate group constitutes the basis for reporting and clarifying misconduct. The management of Swietelsky therefore encourages all business partners to report suspected misconduct without undue delay.

Swietelsky AG provides a web-based reporting system for this purpose in compliance with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 ("EU Whistleblowing Directive"), which can be used to quickly and easily report concerns about misconduct. This can be accessed around the clock and from any location.

The anonymity of the whistleblower is fully guaranteed. Genuine reports afford the whistleblower full protection. Reports can, however, also be submitted in a non-anonymous form. On the other hand, deliberate false reports may have consequences under labour law and criminal law.

Reports can be submitted here: 

Reporting System