Swietelsky AG #buildingeverbetter #buildingeverbetter


The activities of the SWIETELSKY Group are characterised by a high sense of responsibility towards country and society. We maintain our high reputation as a reliable, competent and law-abiding partner by complying with legal framework conditions and ethical standards throughout the Group.

2025 action plan

  • Certification on anti-corruption and competition law of Swietelsky AG
  • Certification on data protection of Swietelsky AG
  • Every year, 100% of managers trained on anti-corruption and compliance (face-to-face)
  • 95% of staff trained in compliance & data protection, cyber security (IT access)
  • Central creation of the subcontractor platform for ESG assessment of business partners and suppliers
  • Expansion of risk management in the company around ESG aspects

Read more about SWIETELSKY's ambitions in our current sustainability report, as well as about the subjects of

    1. Anti-corruption and compliance, page 68-71
    2. Fair business partner, page 72-75
Mag. Gernot Reiter, CSE Chief Compliance and Data Protection Officer
“Compliance is not a temporary fad but a prerequisite for the sustainable success of the company in the interest of all internal and external stakeholders.”

Mag. Gernot Reiter, CSE Chief Compliance and Data Protection Officer
