Swietelsky AG #buildingeverbetter #buildingeverbetter

Historical responsibility

1938 - 1945

The historical archives made available to Swietelsky AG in February 2020 are unambiguous: during the Second World War, our company made use of Jewish forced labourers. Independent experts will now quickly and unsparingly attempt to find out the extent and the conditions of this labour by sifting through all available sources. We have already commissioned them to start their work.

The documentary archive of the Austrian Resistance has also promised to support us as best it can in this endeavour. We regret that we have not yet faced up to this shameful aspect of our company’s history and would like to thank the historian Dr. Rudolf Leo and Mr. Martin Steiner (editor of the ORF show ECO) for presenting us with this information.

We will be transparent about the results of the research and about the conclusions that the company draws from it and will inform about them here.