Scarab Magnum 72 Hydrostatic : Divízia dopravných a inžinierskych stavieb rozširuje svoj vozový park
Scarab Magnum 72 Hydrostatic : Divízia dopravných a inžinierskych stavieb rozširuje svoj vozový park

When Dipl.-Ing. Hellmuth Swietelsky founded a new construction company in Austria in 1936, he relied on his knowledge and a handful of good employees. Today, SWIETELSKY has establishments and subsidiaries mainly in Austria and neighbouring countries, employs several thousand skilled workers, and enjoys a good reputation as an innovative, efficient, and reliable construction company.
Hellmuth Swietelsky establishes “Straßenbauunternehmung Ing. Hellmuth SWIETELSKY” in Gmunden. Soon afterwards, he moves his headquarters to the Upper Austrian state capital of Linz.
In February 2020, Swietelsky AG was confronted with historical documents that indicate that our company resorted to Jewish forced labour during the Second World War. We have now commissioned independent experts to examine the facts quickly and unsparingly. We regret this shameful aspect of our company’s history. You can learn more under this link.
Hellmuth Swietelsky erects a repair workshop and living quarters for the workers on a property in St. Martin near Linz. The difficult post-war years are overcome. Reconstruction picks up speed. By implementing a bonus system, SWIETELSKY promotes the independence and personal responsibility of its employees, laying the foundations for the successful, decentralized company structure.
f.l.t.r.: August Weichselbaumer (COO Austria), Harald Gindl, MBA (CFO), DI Dr. Peter Krammer (CEO, COO railway construction), Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Bleckenwegner (COO international)